Sweat the Technique Book Cover

Rakim Teaches You How to Emcee

2 min read

Nearly all hip hop fans secretly want to be an emcee. I can't think of a better way to learn how to be an emcee than to be taught by the man who wrote the song "How to Emcee", Rakim.

Rakim, a name synonymous with lyrical excellence, holds a permanent spot in my "Top 5 (dead or alive)" list of all-time greats in hip-hop.

First Rhyme Editor

The God MC himself has released the book Sweat the Technique: Revelations on Creativity from the Lyrical Genius.

Part memoir, part writing guide, Sweat the Technique offers insight into how Rakim thinks about words, music, writing, and rhyming as it teaches writers of all levels how to hone their craft.

If, like me, you're fascinated by the intricacies of lyrics in hip-hop, I wholeheartedly recommend diving into this guide. And here's a pro tip: consider experiencing it in both written and audio forms. The audiobook, narrated by Rakim himself, offers an immersive experience with his mesmerizing voice and delivery.

Let's Travel at Magnificent Speeds Around The Universe

Rakim's legacy in hip-hop is undeniable, and with Sweat the Technique, he generously shares his wisdom with aspiring emcees and writers. It's a journey into the mind of a lyrical genius, and I encourage you to embark on it.